So Close! 

Princess in another castle?!!
Tricked again- you Slimy asshole!
Maybe if I had sight beyond sight
I could find how to make it right-
I'd bend subspace into a temporal fold
& bring the goal up from the moldy
underbelly of space untold-
to the place the force is said to flow,
So I can squash that slimy asshole!!! 


The Inevitable

Disjointed tendrils lay out in a clump
one attracts another
and another is junk.

Walking about pulls threads down the line
and in time
the junk gets all in a funk
It sees itself getting pulled toward a clump

But then something strange
Junk stands itself up off the page
He's amazed
He can see, now, how it's arranged
For the first time he can affect it's change

Smooth out the clumps
Reconfigure the bumps
But still

One attracts another
and another is junk


Cavernous Heart

Lurking in the darkness
Wrapped in unseen shadows
This cave, like a home
Filled with precious objects
Yet, so empty
memories echo
feelings rustle like leaves
stirred by a distant wind
The cold shroud beckons
in the comforting darkness
veiled in shadow
all that used to be.



Busy busy worker bee
Buzzing buzzing, no time for tea
Working working 'till the ground breaks free

Break Ground!

Set Me Free!! 

head of stars

In the stillness of my mind i find...

No stillness at all

But a teeming hive
Cohesive entities, electric and alive
hyperactive blinky lights
Amid vast branches of connected nuerons
Each one individual, yet acting out the whole
The whole where thoughts combine
Even in the sunshine, rays of energy
As in the mind
Woven in kind
As star, as mind, as sky


In the valley of mice & men
If you find a red hen
Take it to the lady Gwen-

Lay your armies then aside
And let the dragon turn the tide
For within her heart the hen resides

MMmmm- Sugar

Oh sugar cane you are my bane
You taste so sweet
That I might eat
And eat until I go insane
For such a yummy treat
To shiver me from head to feet
Yet so fleeting my satisfaction is in vain

The Fog

inconstant specs float hither and tither

individual and disconnected

separated by vast inconsequential fog

islands of solitude blink out their signals

ideas, images, words sounds,

materializing from immaterial brain space

released into the fog

as bottled messages floating aimlessly

to connect us all as one

through the impossibly intangible

fog of the internet

    Who me?

    I m the tree that bends in the wind, longing for the flight of the bird upon its limb. 

